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Discover the nexus of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Medicine in our Multidisciplinary Open Access Journal – a platform for breakthroughs and collaborative expertise, driving knowledge and innovation. | Important Update! Building on our inaugural year's success, adjustments to article processing charges will take effect in October. More details coming soon! | Discover the nexus of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Medicine in our Multidisciplinary Open Access Journal – a platform for breakthroughs and collaborative expertise, driving knowledge and innovation. | Important Update! Building on our inaugural year's success, adjustments to article processing charges will take effect in October. More details coming soon!

Abstract at IgMin Research

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Technology Group Review Article Article ID: igmin149

Strengthening IoT Network Protocols: A Model Resilient Against Cyber Attacks

Network Security Internet SecurityData Security Affiliation


    Department of Computer Science, Ashkelon Academic College (AAC), Ashkelon, Israel

    Department of Computer Science, Ashkelon Academic College (AAC), Ashkelon, Israel


The pervasive Internet of Things (IoT) integration has revolutionized industries such as medicine, environmental care, and urban development. The synergy between IoT devices and 5G cellular networks has further accelerated this transformation, providing ultra-high data rates and ultra-low latency. This connectivity enables various applications, including remote surgery, autonomous driving, virtual reality gaming, and AI-driven smart manufacturing. However, IoT devices’ real-time and high-volume messaging nature exposes them to potential malicious attacks. The implementation of encryption in such networks is challenging due to the constraints of IoT devices, including limited memory, storage, and processing bandwidth. In a previous work [1], we proposed an ongoing key construction process, introducing a pivotal pool to enhance network security. The protocol is designed with a probability analysis to ensure the existence of a shared key between any pair of IoT devices, with the predefined probability set by the system designer. However, our earlier model faced vulnerabilities such as the “parking lot attack” and physical attacks on devices, as highlighted in the conclusion section. We present a complementary solution to address these issues, fortifying our previous protocol against cyber threats. Our approach involves the implementation of an internal Certification Authority (CA) that issues certificates for each IoT device before joining the network.
Furthermore, all encryption keys are distributed by the primary IoT device using the Unix OS ‘passwd’ mechanism. If a device “disappears,” all encryption keys are promptly replaced, ensuring continuous resilience against potential security breaches. This enhanced protocol establishes a robust security framework for IoT networks, safeguarding against internal and external threats.



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    5. Eschenauer L, Gligor VD. A key-management scheme for distributed sensor networks. Proceedings of the 9th ACM conference on Computer and communications security, Washington DC.11-2002; 341-47.
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    7. Sciancalepore S, Piro G, Boggia G, Bianchi G. Key Management Protocol with Implicit Certificates for IoT systems. Proceedings of the 2015 Workshop on IoT challenges in Mobile and Industrial Systems. Florence, Italy. ACM, NY, USA. 2015; 37-42. ISBN: 978-1-4503-3502-7
    8. Roman R, Alcaraz C, Lopez J. Key management systems for sensor networks in the context of the Internet of Things. Nicolas Sklavos, Computers & Electrical Engineering. 2011; 37:2; Pages 147-159.
    9. Wazid M, Das AK, Odelu V. Design of Secure User Authenticated Key Management Protocol for Generic IoT Networks. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 2018; 5:1; 269-282: ISSN: 2327-4662
    10. Benslimane Y, BenAhmed K. Efficient End-to-End Secure Key Management Protocol for Internet of Things. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE). 2017; 7:6; 3622 3631 ISSN: 2088-8708.
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    15. Python Own Certificate Authority (ownca).

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