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Welcome to IgMin Research – an Open Access journal uniting Biology, Medicine, and Engineering. We’re dedicated to advancing global knowledge and fostering collaboration across scientific fields.


Our mission is to build a collaborative platform that merges expertise for rapid knowledge gains.


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Our mission is to build a collaborative platform that merges expertise for rapid knowledge gains.

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Our mission is to build a collaborative platform that merges expertise for rapid knowledge gains.

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Charges withdrawal policy

Charges withdrawal policy at IgMin Research

Our mission is to build a collaborative platform that merges expertise for rapid knowledge gains.

Charges Policy

IgMin Research - A BioMed & Engineering Open Access Journal operates under an open-access model, committed to disseminating research findings widely and freely to the global academic community. To sustain the high standards of publishing and support the various services involved in the publication process, the journal requires authors to pay an article processing charge (APC). The APC covers essential aspects of the publication journey, ensuring that published articles undergo rigorous peer review, meet ethical guidelines, and are presented in a professional and accessible manner.

Elaboration of the charges policy
  1. Cost coverage: The APC serves as a vital source of revenue to support the cost-intensive publishing process. From the initial submission to the final publication, each manuscript undergoes a series of critical steps that necessitate resource allocation and financial investment.
  2. Peer review management: The peer review process plays a pivotal role in maintaining the quality and validity of scientific research. Expert reviewers dedicatedly evaluate the submissions for originality, accuracy, and relevance. Coordinating the peer review process requires careful management, communication, and coordination with reviewers and authors.
  3. Editorial services: Our experienced editorial team is committed to ensuring that all submitted manuscripts meet the journal's standards and follow ethical guidelines. They review manuscripts for compliance, format, and scientific content before proceeding to the peer review stage.
  4. Typesetting and formatting: Once a manuscript successfully completes the peer review process and receives acceptance, it undergoes typesetting and formatting. This stage involves transforming the content into a professional and reader-friendly layout, ensuring clarity and coherence in the presentation of the research.
  5. DOI assignment and indexing: To ensure the uniqueness and citability of each published article, a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is assigned. This DOI serves as a permanent link to the article, making it easy for readers and researchers to locate and cite the work. Additionally, the journal's efforts in indexing with reputable databases ensure enhanced discoverability and global visibility for published research.
  6. Hosting and archiving: The journal's website and hosting infrastructure necessitate continuous maintenance and updates to ensure seamless access to published content. Furthermore, robust archiving mechanisms are employed to preserve the scholarly record for the long term.
  7. Open access accessibility: By charging APCs, we can maintain our commitment to open access, enabling readers from around the world, including researchers, practitioners, policymakers, and the general public, to access, read, download, and cite the published research without any financial barriers.
  8.  Sustainability: The revenue generated through APCs ensures the financial sustainability of the journal. It enables us to maintain the highest quality of publishing standards and invest in technology and innovations to continually improve the publishing experience for authors and readers alike.
  9. Transparent and fair practices: IgMin Research - Biology, Medicine and Engineering is dedicated to maintaining transparency and fairness in its operations. Detailed information about the APCs, including the charges for different types of articles and the payment process, is clearly communicated on our website and in the "Submission Guidelines."

The charges policy at IgMin Research - A BioMed & Engineering Open Access Journal plays a vital role in supporting the comprehensive publishing process. By collecting APCs, we ensure the dissemination of high-quality research and facilitate unrestricted access to knowledge for researchers and readers worldwide. The revenue generated from the APCs contributes to the sustainability of the journal, allowing us to maintain our commitment to open access and uphold the values of transparency, inclusivity, and excellence in academic publishing.

Orchidea Maria Lecian

Waiver Policy

The Waiver Policy at IgMin Research - A BioMed & Engineering Open Access Journal is designed to promote inclusivity, diversity, and equitable access to scholarly publishing. We recognize that financial constraints should not be a barrier for researchers seeking to disseminate their valuable work to a global audience. As part of our commitment to fostering an inclusive research environment, we offer several options for fee waivers, each carefully evaluated on a case-by-case basis. The waiver process involves the following key points:

Full waiver eligibility assessment
  1. Authors from low-income countries or those facing significant financial hardships are eligible to apply for a full waiver of the article processing charge (APC).
  2. To be considered for a full waiver, authors need to submit a formal request during the manuscript submission process. The request should include a detailed explanation of their financial situation, indicating why they are unable to cover the APC, and any supporting documents that may be relevant.
  3. The Editorial Board reviews each full waiver application with utmost confidentiality and considers the scientific merit and potential impact of the research alongside the financial need of the applicant.
  4. Decisions on full waivers are communicated to the authors within a reasonable timeframe, enabling them to proceed with the publication process seamlessly.
Partial waiver consideration
  1. Recognizing that not all authors may qualify for a full waiver, we also offer the possibility of partial waivers to reduce the financial burden on eligible authors.
  2. Authors seeking a partial waiver should provide a comprehensive explanation of their financial constraints and their ability to contribute partially to the APC during the submission process.
  3. The Editorial Board evaluates each partial waiver request on an individual basis, taking into account the authors' financial situation and the potential significance of their research to the scientific community.
  4. Decisions on partial waivers are communicated to the authors, ensuring transparency and fairness in the evaluation process.
Membership benefit
  1. Researchers affiliated with partner institutions or organizations may be eligible for membership benefits, which could include reduced or waived APCs.
  2. Information on eligible institutions and organizations will be available on our website, and authors can check the relevant section to determine if they qualify for membership benefits.
  3. Authors affiliated with eligible institutions can avail themselves of the benefits during the submission process by indicating their affiliation and providing any necessary verification documents.
  4. The Editorial Board verifies the eligibility of authors for membership benefits and informs them of the applicable APC reduction or waiver.
Voluntary waiver contribution
  1. We acknowledge the generosity of authors who are in a position to contribute beyond the standard APC to support researchers in need.
  2. Authors who wish to make a voluntary contribution during the submission process can choose this option and specify the amount they wish to contribute.
  3. The additional funds from voluntary contributions are utilized to subsidize the publication costs for authors who have received waivers, furthering our commitment to supporting diverse researchers.

By implementing this comprehensive waiver policy, IgMin Research aims to ensure that researchers, regardless of their financial backgrounds, have an equal opportunity to publish their work and contribute to the advancement of science. We firmly believe that embracing diversity and supporting inclusivity will foster a rich and vibrant academic community that drives innovation and addresses global challenges effectively. Our Editorial Board remains committed to handling waiver requests with fairness, transparency, and sensitivity, ultimately strengthening the impact and reach of published research.

Sayan Bhattacharyya

Withdrawal Policy

At IgMin Research - A BioMed & Engineering Open Access Journal, we understand that there may be instances where authors need to withdraw their manuscript after submission. We respect authors' autonomy over their work and have designed a flexible withdrawal policy to accommodate such situations while also ensuring the responsible management of resources and scholarly contributions. The withdrawal process involves the following steps:

Pre-review withdrawal

In the initial stages of the publication process, authors may decide to withdraw their manuscript before it undergoes peer review. This decision could be based on various reasons, such as:

  1. Change in research direction: Authors might realize that their research has taken a different direction or that the findings are not as relevant as originally anticipated.
  2. Priority shift: In some cases, authors may need to prioritize other research projects or commitments, leading them to withdraw their submission from consideration.
  3. Quality concerns: Authors may become dissatisfied with the quality of their work or identify significant flaws that make publication inappropriate at this time.

To initiate a pre-review withdrawal, authors are required to contact the Editorial Board as soon as possible. Authors will receive confirmation of withdrawal, and the submission will not proceed to the peer review stage. No processing charges will be applicable in the case of pre-review withdrawals.

Post-review withdrawal

Authors may decide to withdraw their manuscript after it has undergone the peer review process. The peer review stage is an essential part of maintaining the integrity and quality of published research. In some cases, authors may feel compelled to withdraw their submission due to:

  1. Feedback and revisions: Authors might receive peer review feedback that requires extensive revisions, and they may choose to withdraw the manuscript rather than undertake the recommended changes.
  2. Competing publications: Authors may receive acceptance for publication in another journal, and due to journal policies or agreements, they opt to withdraw their manuscript from IgMin Research.
  3. Data or ethical concerns: Authors may uncover issues related to data integrity or ethical compliance that lead them to question the suitability of their work for publication.

In the event of a post-review withdrawal, authors are required to submit a formal request in writing to the Editorial Board, explaining the reasons for the withdrawal decision. The Editorial Board will review the request and respond to the authors. It is important to note that in such cases, a nominal administrative fee may be charged to cover the efforts and resources invested in the peer review and editorial process up to that point.

Uma Mahesh RN

Publication withdrawal

Once a manuscript has successfully passed the peer review process and has been accepted for publication, it becomes an integral part of the journal's publicly available content. As such, publication withdrawals are discouraged to maintain the integrity of the research record. However, we understand that exceptional circumstances may arise, warranting the withdrawal of a published article. Such circumstances may include:

  1. Ethical concerns: Authors may discover ethical violations in their research or publication process that render the article unsuitable for public dissemination.
  2. Errors or corrections: Authors may identify significant errors or inaccuracies in their published work that require rectification or correction.
  3. Duplicate publication: Inadvertent or intentional duplicate publication may occur, leading authors to seek the withdrawal of one version to avoid redundancy.
  4. Legal obligations: In rare cases, legal obligations or copyright disputes may necessitate the withdrawal of a published article.

Should publication withdrawal be deemed necessary, authors are required to submit a detailed justification for their request to the Editorial Board. The request will be carefully reviewed, and the decision to withdraw will be made in consultation with the journal's editors and legal advisors, where necessary. If the request is approved, the manuscript will be removed from the journal's website, and a formal retraction notice will be issued to alert readers about the withdrawal. In such cases, a substantial fee may be charged to compensate for the publication and editorial expenses incurred.

At IgMin Research, we prioritize transparency and open communication with authors throughout the publication process, including the withdrawal procedure. We acknowledge that the decision to withdraw a manuscript is not taken lightly and may be driven by various valid reasons. Our withdrawal policy aims to respect authors' rights while maintaining the integrity and credibility of the research we publish.

Our withdrawal policy is designed to strike a balance between respecting authors' autonomy over their work and ensuring responsible management of resources and scholarly contributions. We encourage authors to carefully consider their decision to withdraw, and we are committed to facilitating transparent communication throughout the publication process.

As we embark on this journey with IgMin Research - A BioMed & Engineering Open Access Journal, we envision an academic platform that upholds the values of inclusivity, integrity, and innovation. Our charges, waiver, and withdrawal policies reflect our dedication to supporting researchers worldwide and advancing knowledge in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. By fostering an open and collaborative environment, we aim to make a meaningful impact on society and contribute to the progress of scientific exploration and discovery.