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Short communication

Short communication at IgMin Research

We promote fostering alliances across disciplines to catalyze the rapid development of ideas.

Preparing the Manuscript

Preparing a manuscript for submission to IgMin Research – Biology, Medicine and Engineering | A Multidisciplinary Journal in the Short Communications category involves a meticulous process, which varies depending on the sub-type of the article. Short Communications generally serve as a medium for the rapid dissemination of significant, incremental research findings in various disciplines. Below are the criteria for acceptance for each sub-type under Short Communications.

1.Preliminary findings

Objective and scope: The primary goal of Preliminary Findings is to report initial results of an ongoing research project that promises to contribute substantially to the field. The scope should be well-defined, with a particular emphasis on the novelty and relevance of the findings. These articles must be time-sensitive, meaning that their quick publication could have an immediate impact on ongoing research or public policy.

Key criteria for acceptance

    • Novelty: New, never-before-seen research findings
    • Relevance: High relevance to ongoing research or public policy
    • Timeliness: Must be time-sensitive, requiring rapid publication
    • Methodological rigor: Use of appropriate and rigorous research methods
    • Data integrity: Must present reliable data, even if preliminary
    • Clarity and conciseness: Well-written, focused, and not overly technical

Manuscript length: Manuscripts submitted under this sub-type should not exceed 3,000 words, excluding abstract, figures, and references.

2.Rapid communications

Objective and scope: Rapid Communications aim to publish ground-breaking research that is of immediate concern and high interest to the community. The intent is to allow researchers to share paradigm-shifting information as quickly as possible. Topics should have broad interdisciplinary appeal.

Key criteria for acceptance

    • Urgency: Findings must be of immediate concern to the community.
    • High impact: Potential to change existing theories, practices, or common beliefs.
    • Broad appeal: Topics should be of interest to a wide audience, not just specialists in the field.
    • Quality of data: High-quality, well-interpreted data supporting the findings.

Manuscript length: Manuscripts should be concise, aiming for a word count under 2,000 words, excluding abstract, figures, and references.

3.Brief reports

Objective and scope: Brief Reports allow researchers to publish the results of short studies that provide meaningful contribution but don't require extensive elaboration. These could be case studies, experimental studies, or observational studies with a limited sample size.

Key criteria for acceptance

    • Contribution to the field: Should provide a unique addition to current knowledge.
    • Quality of data: Well-collected and analyzed data is a must.
    • Succinctness: Ability to convey meaningful findings in a limited space.
    • Peer review: Favorable peer-review assessments.

Manuscript length: Brief Reports should be around 1,500 words in length, not including Abstract, Figures, and References.

Kevin Kendall

General criteria applicable to all sub-types

Ethics and compliance: Manuscripts must comply with ethical standards, including human and animal rights. Any research involving human subjects must have institutional review board approval.

Language and grammar: Manuscripts must be written in clear, grammatically correct english. Authors whose primary language is not english are advised to seek professional language editing services.

Plagiarism: All submissions will undergo a plagiarism check. Manuscripts found to contain plagiarized material will be immediately rejected.

Peer review: All manuscripts will be subject to a double-blind peer-review process by experts in the relevant field.

Disclosure: Any conflicts of interest, financial or otherwise, must be disclosed. Funding sources should also be acknowledged.

In summary, the acceptance of a manuscript in the Short Communications category is contingent on the submission meeting a multitude of rigorous criteria. These include but are not limited to the objectives and scope aligned with each sub-type, the quality and integrity of the data presented, and the timeliness and impact of the research findings. Compliance with ethical standards and other general principles is non-negotiable and integral to the manuscript’s acceptability. Authors are advised to meticulously read through and adhere to all guidelines to enhance the chances of their manuscript being accepted for publication.

Reporting Standards and Guidelines


In order to maintain the highest level of academic integrity and facilitate the peer-review process, all submissions for "Short Communications" in the IgMin Research – Biology, Medicine and Engineering journal must adhere to certain reporting standards and guidelines. These principles serve as the backbone for presenting scientific information in a clear, transparent, and replicable manner. In this section, we will extensively cover the standards that you, as an author, should keep in mind when submitting your paper.

IMRAD structure

What is IMRAD?

IMRAD stands for Introduction, Methods, Results, And Discussion, which is the fundamental structure of a scientific paper. This organization helps peer reviewers and readers understand your research framework, methodology, findings, and the corresponding implications.

Why is it important?

An IMRAD structure ensures that all vital components of the research are included and are placed where readers expect to find them. It promotes consistency within the academic community, making it easier for reviewers to evaluate the merits of the paper.

Tips for adherence:

  1. Introduction: State the problem you address, why it is important, and what gap in the current research you aim to fill.
  2. Methods: Describe your methodology in detail to allow replicability. Include your study design, population, sample size, and statistical methods.
  3. Results: Present your findings objectively. Use tables, figures, and statistical analysis as necessary.
  4. Discussion: Interpret the results, compare with previous research, state the limitations and propose future research.

COPE guidelines

What is COPE?

The Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) provides advice on best practices in the ethics of scholarly publishing. COPE guidelines should be followed for ethical manuscript preparation, submission, and peer-review processes.

Why is it important?

Adhering to COPE ensures that ethical and quality standards are maintained, which, in turn, boosts the credibility of both the author and the journal. COPE guidelines address key ethical concerns like plagiarism, data fabrication, and authorship disputes.

Tips for adherence:

  1. Declare all potential conflicts of interest.
  2. Do not engage in any form of plagiarism or data fabrication.
  3. Maintain transparency in your methodology and data reporting.

Ethical guidelines

What are ethical guidelines?

Ethical Guidelines refer to the general ethical principles that researchers should adhere to, including respect for intellectual property, integrity in data reporting, and the humane treatment of subjects or samples.

Why is it important?

These guidelines ensure that the research being published is carried out with integrity and respects both the scientific method and the subjects involved in research studies. Ethical lapses can lead to retraction of papers and loss of credibility.

Tips for adherence:

  1. Get ethics approval for studies involving human or animal subjects.
  2. Maintain data integrity by not manipulating research data.
  3. Clearly disclose any financial interests or other potential conflicts of interest.

Statistical reporting

What is statistical reporting?

Statistical Reporting refers to the comprehensive and accurate description of the statistical methodologies used in the research. This includes the data collection methods, statistical tests used, and rationale for their use.

Why is it important?

Incorrect or misleading statistics can distort scientific findings. Clear and transparent reporting of statistical methods makes it easier for readers to understand your research and for reviewers to assess its validity.

Tips for adherence:

  1. Use well-recognized statistical tests.
  2. Clearly define your variables.
  3. Explain why the particular statistical tests were chosen.

SAMPL guidelines

What is SAMPL?

The Statistical Analyses and Methods in the Published Literature (SAMPL) guidelines serve as an extension of general statistical best practices, providing a framework for transparent reporting of statistical data.

Why is it important?

SAMPL ensures that statistical data is reported in a comprehensible manner, making the research more transparent and replicable.

Tips for adherence:

  1. Report p-values and confidence intervals for all inferential statistics.
  2. Do not "cherry-pick" data.
  3. Report any post-hoc analyses and their rationale.


Conforming to these standards not only improves the quality of your submission but also increases the likelihood of it being accepted for publication. Adherence to IMRAD structure, COPE guidelines, ethical principles, statistical reporting, and SAMPL guidelines ensures that your research is presented in an organized, ethical, and statistically sound manner. By maintaining these standards, authors contribute to the advancement of scientific knowledge that is both credible and replicable.

Backbone Structure of Article Type

Preliminary findings

1.Abstract: The Abstract should be a brief summary of the research, concise and not exceeding 250 words. It must succinctly state the objective, methodology, key findings, and implications of your research.

2.Introduction: The Introduction sets the stage for your research, providing relevant background information, a review of existing literature, and a statement of the research question. While not exhaustive, this section should provide enough information for readers unfamiliar with the subject matter.

3.Methods: In the Methods section, you should outline how the research was conducted. This includes your sampling techniques, data collection methods, and any statistical software used. The idea is to provide enough detail so that another researcher could replicate your study.

4.Preliminary results: This is the section where you present your initial findings. Use clear and concise language and offer enough context so the reader can understand the significance of these preliminary results. You can include figures and tables to support your text, but make sure they are well-labelled and discussed within the text.

5.Discussion: Here you should discuss the implications of your preliminary findings. Compare and contrast them with existing research and theories. Identify the limitations and assumptions of your study, and suggest areas for future research.

6.Conclusion: Your conclusion should summarize the main points of your paper and re-emphasize its significance. Keep it short and straightforward, focusing on the implications of your findings.

7.References: Citations should be in accordance with NLM formatting guidelines. Make sure every work cited in the text is included in the reference list, and vice versa.

Rapid communications

1.Abstract: Like in Preliminary Findings, an abstract is needed but should be more focused on the immediacy and timeliness of the findings.

2.Introduction: This should be a streamlined section highlighting why this communication needs to be rapid and what gap it fills in the literature.

3.Rapid development description: This is akin to a methods/results hybrid section specifically for Rapid Communications. The key is "speed" — how quickly the findings were obtained and why they should be disseminated immediately.

4.Impact or importance: Emphasize why these findings are groundbreaking or novel. Explain how they can affect policy, future research, or other relevant sectors.

5.References: Again, NLM style should be used. Given the rapid nature of these communications, fewer references are typically cited.

Brief reports

1.Abstract: A concise summary not exceeding 200 words, focused more on the results and conclusions than on the methodology.

2.Introduction: Shorter than a standard introduction, focusing mainly on the research question and why it is essential.

3.Methods: A brief description of the research design, sample, and analysis. This is not the section for a detailed methodology; that would be more appropriate for a full-length article.

4.Results: Here, present your findings in a concise manner, preferably supported by figures and tables.

5.Brief discussion: Quickly discuss the significance of your findings, their limitations, and their implications.

6.References: A condensed list of references, cited in NLM style.


The backbone structure varies slightly among the sub-categories of Short Communications but maintains an overall emphasis on brevity and clarity. Each sub-category is designed to communicate essential information in a specific context—Preliminary Findings for early-stage research, Rapid Communications for quickly-evolving topics, and Brief Reports for studies with a narrow scope. Adherence to the prescribed format for each sub-category ensures uniformity and readability, thereby facilitating the review process and ultimately contributing to the scientific community in a meaningful way.

Uma Mahesh RN

Specific Formatting Guidelines for Pagination

The pagination process is a critical component of the editorial workflow, facilitating the orderly transition of a manuscript from submission to publication. Proper pagination ensures that an article can be easily reviewed, edited, and ultimately read in its published form. Below is a detailed breakdown of the specific formatting guidelines that authors should adhere to for facilitating the pagination process. These guidelines are particularly aimed at articles falling under the "Short Communications" type, with sub-categories of "Preliminary Findings," "Rapid Communications," and "Brief Reports."

1.Importance of pagination

Pagination helps the editorial team to organize, refer to, and manage the manuscript throughout the review and production processes. For example, if a reviewer references a specific page in their comments, the editorial team must be able to quickly locate that page. Without uniform pagination, this simple task can become unnecessarily complicated, leading to delays and errors.

2.Page size and margin

  • Page Size: Standard A4 paper (8.27 × 11.69 inches) should be used.
  • Margin: A 1-inch margin on all sides provides a clean boundary for text and figures, aiding in the readability and ultimate presentation of the published article.

3.Page numbering

Page numbers are crucial for proper sequencing of the manuscript. Here are some guidelines:

  • Location: Bottom-right corner of every page.
  • Font and Size: Use the same font as the main text but in a smaller size, typically 10pt.
  • Starting Number: The cover page will be considered as 'i,' but numbering should formally start from the first page of the actual manuscript and continue consecutively.

4.Line spacing

  • Spacing: Double spacing must be used throughout the manuscript.
  • Spacing Exceptions: Tables, figure legends, and footnotes may be single-spaced to enhance readability.

5.Headers and footers

  • Headers: The left-aligned header should contain the abbreviated title of the manuscript.
  • Footers: Apart from the page number, the footer can contain the manuscript ID or other relevant identification tags as specified by the journal.

6.Paragraph formatting

  • Indentation: The first line of each paragraph should be indented by 0.5 inches.
  • Alignment: Justified text is often the standard, as it provides a clean, organized look to the manuscript.

7.Sections and subsections

Consistent formatting should be maintained for all headings, subheadings, and sub-sub headings:

  • Main Headings: Bold, 14pt.
  • Sub-Headings: Italicized, 12pt.
  • Sub-Sub Headings: Underlined, 12pt.

8.Special characters, equations, and formulas

Authors must use standard Unicode characters. For equations and formulas:

  • Use Equation Editor or MathType for inline and display equations.
  • Number equations consecutively and reference them in the text as Eq. (1), Eq. (2), etc.

9.Citations and references

  • All citations should be numbered in the order in which they appear in the text.
  • References should be placed at the end of the manuscript, following a consistent style, preferably the NLM style, as specified earlier.

10.Tables and figures

  • Tables and Figures should be embedded within the text at the appropriate points rather than at the end of the manuscript.
  • They must be numbered consecutively and have descriptive captions.

11.Footnotes and endnotes

  • Footnotes should be used sparingly and must be numbered consecutively.
  • Endnotes are generally discouraged but, if necessary, should appear before the 'References' section.


  • Should appear after the 'References' section and be designated as Appendix 1, Appendix 2, etc.

13.Revision markings

In case of a resubmission after revisions:

  • Use "Track Changes" or a similar feature.
  • Highlight added text in yellow and deleted text in red strikethroughs.

14.Final checks

Before submission, authors should do the following:

  • Double-check the page numbers.
  • Ensure all headings and subheadings are correctly formatted and numbered.
  • Validate the positioning and numbering of tables, figures, and equations.

The sum of these careful considerations and formatting strategies culminates in a manuscript that not only meets academic rigor but is also optimally prepared for the pagination process, a crucial step towards its eventual publication.
By paying attention to the minutiae of pagination as outlined above, authors can significantly accelerate the publication timeline and enhance the communicative effectiveness of their scholarly work.

Note: Please consult your journal-specific guidelines for any additional formatting requirements.

This detailed explanation aims to provide clear and comprehensive guidelines for authors to ensure that their manuscripts can be smoothly integrated into the editorial and production workflow, ultimately resulting in high-quality published articles.

Detailed Formatting Guidelines

The presentation of your research is almost as crucial as the research itself. Therefore, understanding the formatting guidelines is key to getting your Short Communication article accepted. This section aims to provide a comprehensive guide to formatting your manuscript, including text, fonts, figures, and tables.

Text formatting

1. Font: The universally accepted font for academic manuscripts is Times New Roman. The size should be set at 12 points, which is easily legible for most readers and standard across most academic journals.

2. Line spacing and paragraphs: Double-spacing should be used throughout the manuscript. This makes the text easier to read and leaves room for handwritten comments and corrections during the review process. Every new paragraph should be indented, ideally by setting your word processor to automatically indent the first line by 0.5 inches.

3. Headings and subheadings: Headings and subheadings should be clearly distinguishable from the main text. Headings can be bold, and subheadings can be either bold or italic. The font size should remain 12 points. Ensure that you follow a consistent style for these elements throughout the manuscript.

4. Page margins: Margins should be set at one inch on all sides. This is a common requirement across academic journals and provides a clean frame for the text.

5. Page numbers: Page numbers should be placed in the bottom-right corner of each page, starting from the title page. The font and size should be consistent with the main text.

6. Alignment: The main text should be justified, creating a straight line on both sides of the paragraph. This gives the document a more polished look.

7. Bullets and numbering: If you are listing multiple items, consider using bullets or numbering to make the list more readable. Always introduce the list with a colon and make sure the list items are formatted consistently.

8. Special characters and equations: If your manuscript includes equations or special characters, make sure they are properly formatted and clearly legible. Equations should be numbered and referred to in the text by their number.


1. File format: Figures should be submitted in high-resolution JPEG or TIFF formats. The minimum acceptable resolution for all figures is 300 dpi. Lower resolution will result in pixilation when printed.

2. Labels and legends: Each figure should have a label ("Figure 1," "Figure 2," etc.) and a legend explaining the figure's significance. This should be placed below the figure and aligned centrally.

3. Citation in text: All figures should be cited in the text in the order that they appear. E.g., "... as shown in Figure 1."

4. Colors and patterns: When using colors in your figures, opt for ones that are distinguishable when printed in grayscale as some readers may not have access to color printers.


1. In-text placement: Tables should be inserted at the appropriate points in the text rather than at the end of the document.

2. Labels and titles: Tables should have a label ("Table 1," "Table 2," etc.) above the table and a brief descriptive title.

3. Citation in text: Like figures, tables must also be cited in the text, e.g., "... as outlined in Table 1."

4 .Column and row headings: Headings for rows and columns should be clearly labeled to facilitate comprehension. Use bold or italic text for these headings to distinguish them from the data.

5. Footnotes in tables: If you need to provide additional information, it should appear as a footnote below the table.

6. Data formatting: Data should be clearly and logically laid out, often in ascending or descending order for ease of reading.

Miscellaneous elements

1. Hyperlinks: Hyperlinks in the text should be removed to maintain the manuscript's integrity. However, you can include them in your references section if essential.

2. Spelling and grammar: Run spell-check and grammar-check before submitting your manuscript. Consider using specialized academic editing software or professional editing services to ensure your text meets the high standard expected in academic publications.

3. Abbreviations and acronyms: All abbreviations and acronyms should be defined the first time they are used. For instance, IgMin Research – Biology, Medicine and Engineering (IgRS).

By adhering to these extensive formatting guidelines, you increase the likelihood of your article being accepted for publication in "IgMin Research – Biology, Medicine and Engineering | A Multidisciplinary Journal". Make sure you also cross-verify these guidelines with any specific requirements the journal may have to ensure that your manuscript aligns perfectly with the publication's standards.

Orchidea Maria Lecian

Complementary File Information

Complementary files, also known as supplementary material, can provide valuable context or additional data sets to your article, enhancing its utility and informational depth. This section aims to offer a comprehensive guide on what types of supplementary materials can be included, how to prepare these files, and what precautions and cautions must be taken to ensure their quality and relevance.

Types of supplementary material

1. Data sets: If your research involves a substantial amount of data that is impractical to include in the main article, this can be included as a supplementary data set.

2. Video material: A video can be an effective way to demonstrate real-time events, experimental setups, or simulations that are central to your research.

3. Audio clips: Audio supplementary materials can be used to provide important context that cannot be captured in text or image formats. For example, you might include spoken interviews or the sounds recorded during an experiment.

4. Additional figures and tables: These can provide supplementary, supportive, or more detailed information that is subsidiary but nonetheless relevant to the main article.

5. Protocols and methods: When the methodology is too intricate to be fully detailed within the constraints of the main article, additional methodological guidance can be supplied.

6. Code scripts: If your research involved the development or use of new software or algorithms, including the code as supplementary material can enhance the article's utility.

Preparing your supplementary files

1. Formatting

  • Data sets: Preferably in CSV, Excel or a similar universally accessible format.
  • Video material: MP4 or MOV formats are widely accepted.
  • Audio clips: Use MP3 or WAV formats.
  • Additional figures and tables: Should follow the same formatting guidelines as those included in the main article.
  • Protocols and methods: Should be submitted as a PDF.
  • Code scripts: Should be shared in a text file, or better yet, a GitHub repository.

2. File naming: Name your files logically and consistently, indicating the order in which they should be accessed, if necessary. It should be evident from the file name what the supplementary material contains.

3. Metadata: Include necessary metadata within the supplementary files or as an additional readme file. Metadata should describe what the file contains, any software needed to view it, and how it complements the main article.

Precautions and cautions

  • Relevance: Every supplementary item should add value to the main article. Irrelevant or marginally relevant supplementary material can distract from the core content.
  • Quality: Just like your main article, your supplementary material should meet the highest scientific and scholarly standards.
  • Ethics: If the supplementary material includes human or animal subjects, ensure all ethical permissions are in place.
  • Confidentiality: Ensure that supplementary material does not contain confidential or sensitive information.
  • File size: Be aware of the file size limitations on supplementary materials. If the files are too large, consider hosting them on an external trusted database and providing a link within the article.
  • Accessibility: Ensure that all supplementary material is accessible to individuals with disabilities. This might involve providing text descriptions for visual material or subtitles for audio or video content.
  • Copyright: Ensure that you have the rights to all supplementary material. If the material is not your own, ensure that you have proper permission and provide appropriate attribution.

How to submit supplementary material

  • File upload: Upload the files in the same area where you upload your main article, ensuring they are correctly named and labeled as supplementary material.
  • Linking: If hosting on an external site, make sure the link is included in the manuscript and is functional.
  • Readme file: A readme file can help guide the editor and reviewers through the supplementary files, explaining the relevance and order.
  • Editorial review: Like your main article, expect the supplementary materials to undergo peer review for relevance and quality assurance.

Future updates to supplementary material

It's generally not possible to update supplementary material after the article has been published unless there is a critical issue. If updates are necessary, they should be addressed through an erratum or corrigendum, just like errors in the main article would be.

By adhering to these guidelines, your supplementary material can serve as a valuable extension of your main article, providing additional context, data, or methods that can greatly enhance the reader's understanding and engagement. It's essential, however, to ensure that these materials meet the same high standards for quality, relevance, and ethical considerations as the main article itself.

Precautions and Cautions

Navigating the landscape of academic publishing can be complex and fraught with pitfalls, particularly for newcomers. Therefore, taking adequate precautions and understanding the potential risks is crucial to enhance the acceptance rate and overall quality of your submission. Below we outline some critical precautions and cautions that authors should consider.

Ethical concerns

1. Plagiarism: Plagiarism is one of the most serious offenses in academic publishing and could result in the outright rejection of your paper and further consequences. Always attribute quotes, data, and other content that is not your own. Use plagiarism detection tools to double-check your work before submission.

2. Data fabrication and falsification: Altering or creating fictitious research data is not just unethical but could have severe legal implications. Always ensure the data you are presenting are accurate and verifiable.

3. Duplicate publication: Publishing the same research in multiple journals is considered unethical and could lead to automatic rejection. Be transparent if your manuscript builds upon a previous publication and provide citations and permissions where necessary.

Manuscript preparation

1. Language quality: Poorly written manuscripts have a lower chance of being accepted. Proofreading and even hiring a professional language editing service can be beneficial.

2. Adherence to guidelines: Failure to adhere to the journal's specific guidelines regarding format, length, and structure can lead to a desk-rejection. Always consult the latest edition of the author guidelines.

Peer review process

1. Anonymity and confidentiality: Respect the peer review process by maintaining confidentiality and not discussing your manuscript with reviewers unless the journal has an open review policy.

2. Responding to reviewers: Your revisions and responses to reviewers should be thorough and respectful. Being dismissive or combative can jeopardize your manuscript's acceptance.

Statistical and methodological rigor

1. Data interpretation: Be cautious when interpreting your data. Overreaching or speculating can undermine the integrity of your research.

2. Statistical significance: Understanding the statistical tools and tests applied in your research is crucial for ensuring their appropriateness for your data set. Incorrect application can lead to invalid results.

Visual elements

1. Image manipulation: Avoid digitally enhancing images to misrepresent data. Any form of image manipulation should be clearly disclosed and justified.

2. Figure and table presentation: Ensure that all figures and tables are clear, concise, and adequately annotated. Poorly constructed visual elements can confuse reviewers and readers alike.

After submission

1. Post-submission edits: Once a manuscript is submitted, making changes can be difficult or even disallowed. Be sure everything is in its final form before submitting.

2. Authorship conflicts: Be clear about who has contributed to the research and in what capacity. Conflicts regarding authorship should be resolved before submission.

Legal considerations

1. Copyright laws: Be mindful of copyright laws when using third-party materials. Always secure permissions and provide accurate attributions.

2. Institutional approvals: Ensure that you have all the necessary ethical and institutional approvals for your research, especially if it involves human or animal subjects.

Long-term considerations

1. Data storage: It’s essential to store your raw data securely for an extended period as journals or readers might request it for verification.

2. Research impact: Consider the long-term impact of your research on society, policy, or the scientific community. Ethical or social implications should not be ignored.

3. Accessibility: Plan for the broader dissemination of your research findings. Open-access publications can ensure the widest possible audience.


1. Citation practices: Be consistent in your citation style and ensure that all references are complete and accurately formatted according to the journal's guidelines.

2. Supplementary materials: Ensure that any supplementary materials, such as data sets or additional figures, enhance the article and are relevant to the main content.

This comprehensive overview aims to equip authors with the necessary knowledge and tools to navigate the complex landscape of academic publishing. By adhering to these guidelines, you will not only increase the likelihood of your manuscript being accepted but also contribute to the integrity and quality of academic research.

Saisanthosh Vamshi Harsha Madiraju

Manuscript Text Formatting

Formatting plays a critical role in the quality and readability of a manuscript. Proper formatting ensures that your work is accessible and allows reviewers to focus on the content. Below are the detailed formatting guidelines for text, tables, figures, panels, and references.

Text formatting

  1. General structure: Your manuscript should be structured according to the IMRAD format: Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion, unless otherwise specified for a particular article type. This traditional structure allows researchers to understand your study more easily.
  2. Fonts and sizes: Use Times New Roman 12-point font for the main text. The font size can be varied for titles and subtitles but should remain consistent throughout the document.
  3. Line spacing: Use double-spacing throughout your manuscript. This applies to your abstract, main text, references, figure legends, and tables.
  4. Margins and indents: A 1-inch margin on all sides is standard. The first line of each paragraph should be indented by 0.5 inches.
  5. Headers and footers: The header should include a shortened version of your article title, left-aligned. Page numbers should appear in the footer and be right-aligned.


  1. Preparation of tables: Tables should be used to present data that cannot be efficiently conveyed through text. Each table should be numbered consecutively and cited in the text.
  2. Table structure: Tables should have a concise title and adequate column headings. Use horizontal lines above and below the table, and below the column headings. Avoid vertical lines.
  3. Font and alignment in tables: The font size within tables should be smaller than the main text but still easily readable, generally 10-point. Data should be right-aligned in each cell.
  4. Reference citations in tables: If your table includes data that require citation, those citations should be included in a note below the table and should be numbered to match the corresponding references in the list.


  1. Types of acceptable figures: Figures may include graphs, charts, photographs, and illustrations. Make sure they are of high quality and have a resolution of at least 300 dpi.
  2. Figure labels and legends: Each figure should have a legend that describes the figure's content without referring to the text. The figure legend should be provided separately from the figure and included in the manuscript file, usually after the references.
  3. Figure citations in text: Figures should be cited in the text in numerical order. For example, the first figure mentioned in your text should be Figure 1, the second Figure 2, and so on.


Panels are often used to combine multiple figures into a single figure file. Each panel should be labeled with a letter, starting with 'A.'

  1. Panel labels: Labels should be clearly visible in the figure, usually in the top left corner of each panel, in uppercase letters.
  2. Panel legends: If the panels are part of the same figure, they should share a common legend. If each panel represents something entirely different, each should have its own legend.

References (NLM style)

  1. General guidelines: The National Library of Medicine (NLM) citation style is often used in medical and scientific papers. It is essential to be accurate and complete when citing references, as mistakes or omissions compromise the integrity of the paper.
  2. Types of citations: The NLM style accommodates various types of references, including journal articles, books, reports, and online resources. For example, the format for citing a journal article in NLM style would be: Author(s). Title of article. Title of Journal (abbreviated). Year; volume(issue): pages.
  3. Web links and URLs: When citing a website or online resource, include the URL and the date you accessed the resource. Online resources should be cited sparingly and only from reputable sources.
  4. In-text citations: In-text citations should be numbered consecutively in the order they appear in the text. These numbers should be placed in square brackets.

By adhering to these guidelines, you ensure that your manuscript aligns with the rigorous standards expected in academic publishing. Proper formatting is more than a cosmetic requirement; it's a tool that enables efficient scientific communication. Following these rules makes the editorial process smoother and helps bring your research to your audience in the best possible way.

Article Preparatory Guidelines

Authors aiming for successful publication in IgMin Research – Biology, Medicine and Engineering, a Multidisciplinary Journal, are strongly encouraged to consult our comprehensive Article Preparatory Guidelines. This will not only streamline the submission process but also increase the chances of your manuscript being accepted for publication. These guidelines aim to clarify what the editorial board and peer-reviewers will look for in your manuscript.

Importance of preparing your manuscript

Before diving into the specifics, it's vital to understand the importance of well-prepared manuscripts. A well-prepared manuscript not only passes through peer-review more smoothly but also reaches your target audience more effectively. The intricacies, such as proper formatting, ethical considerations, and adherence to journal-specific requirements, often differentiate between a manuscript that gets accepted and one that faces immediate rejection.

The guiding principles for manuscript preparation

  1. Readability: The manuscript should be easy to read. This involves simple sentence structures, concise statements, and avoidance of jargon. While the content must be scholarly, it should also be accessible to those outside the immediate field of research.
  2. Consistency: Uniformity in formatting, citation, and terminology keeps the focus on the content. Any inconsistency can distract the reader and even raise questions about the manuscript's integrity.
  3. Ethical adherence: All procedures and experiments involving human or animal subjects must adhere to ethical standards. Violation of ethical guidelines may lead to manuscript rejection, irrespective of the quality of research.
  4. Originality and plagiarism: The manuscript must present original work. All cited work should be appropriately referenced. Any form of plagiarism can result in immediate rejection.

Navigating through our online resources

We have several resources available on our website to help you understand how to prepare your manuscript:

  1. Formatting guidelines: Detailed guides are available on how to format text, tables, and figures.
  2. Checklists: Before submitting, go through our comprehensive checklists to ensure nothing is overlooked.
  3. Templates: Utilize the manuscript templates available to make the formatting process more straightforward.
  4. Tutorial videos: These videos will walk you through the steps of manuscript preparation.

Structure of the manuscript

  1. Title: It should be descriptive but concise, capturing the essence of the research.
  2. Abstract: A good abstract informs the reader quickly and accurately about what to expect from the manuscript. The abstract should be structured according to the article type, as detailed in section 3.
  3. Keywords: Select 4-6 keywords that will help in the discoverability of your paper in databases.
  4. Introduction: The introduction should provide sufficient background, articulate the research question, and state the objectives.
  5. Methods: Describe the methodology so that it is replicable. Any software or statistical methods must be cited.
  6. Results: Present results in a logical sequence. Use figures and tables to summarize findings.
  7. Discussion: Discuss the findings in the context of existing research. State the limitations and future scope.
  8. Conclusion: Sum up the key findings and their implications.

Language and tone

Maintain a scholarly tone but try to avoid overly complex sentences. The language should be formal, and first-person pronouns should generally be avoided unless it's a reflection or opinion piece.

Citation and references

Citations must follow the NLM style. Make sure all citations in the text have a corresponding entry in the references and vice versa.

Tables and figures

Visual elements should supplement the text, not duplicate it. Label all figures and tables and cite them in the text where they are discussed.

Proofreading and peer review

Before submitting, proofread the manuscript for any typographical or grammatical errors. It’s often beneficial to have colleagues peer-review the paper to catch mistakes and to provide constructive feedback.

Handling revisions and resubmissions

Upon receiving reviewer comments, authors should prepare a letter that systematically addresses each point made by the reviewers and explains the corresponding changes in the manuscript.

Final thoughts

Understanding and following these preparatory guidelines will ensure that your manuscript undergoes a smoother review process, saving both you and the reviewers valuable time. This will also increase the impact of your published research by making it more accessible and understandable, therefore broadening your audience.

By taking time to consult our Article Preparatory Guidelines, you are already one step closer to producing a manuscript that not only adheres to rigorous academic standards but also has a greater chance of being accepted by our journal. The guidelines are more than just rules; they are tools for you to articulate your scientific ideas effectively and responsibly.

Please note that adherence to these guidelines is mandatory for manuscript submission. Thank you for considering IgMin Research – Biology, Medicine and Engineering for the publication of your research. We look forward to your valuable contributions to the multidisciplinary scientific community.

Sayan Bhattacharyya

Mandatory Submission Lists

Submitting a manuscript to IgMin Research – Biology, Medicine and Engineering | A Multidisciplinary Journal involves a methodical process that requires careful attention to several components. Each of these items ensures that the submission is thorough, complies with journal standards, and facilitates the peer-review process. Here, we break down the mandatory components that you need to include in your submission.

Covering Letter

1. Importance: A well-structured covering letter is a chance for authors to introduce their research and its significance to the editors. This letter is also a formal way to express why the manuscript should be published in the journal.

2. Components:

  • Title of the manuscript.
  • A brief overview of the research question or hypothesis.
  • Explanation of why your research is a fit for the journal.
  • List of all authors and their affiliations.

3. Tips:

  • Be concise but informative.
  • Address the editor formally.
  • Ensure all information is up-to-date.

Manuscript including tables and panels

1. Importance: The manuscript is the core of your submission. It represents the cumulative efforts of your research and articulates your findings, hypotheses, and conclusions.

2. Components

  • Title
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Methods
  • Results
  • Discussion
  • Conclusions
  • References
  • Tables and Panels

3. Tips

  • Follow the IMRAD structure unless otherwise specified by the journal guidelines.
  • Tables and Panels should be integrated into the manuscript where relevant.
  • Ensure citations are correctly formatted according to the NLM style.


1. Importance: Figures can significantly enhance the comprehensibility of your manuscript. Graphs, flowcharts, and images can offer a visual explanation that complements the text.

2. Components

  • Graphs
  • Flowcharts
  • Photographs
  • Images

3. Tips

  • Each figure should have a corresponding caption.
  • Figures should be of high resolution, preferably 300 dpi or higher.
  • File formats like JPEG or TIFF are generally acceptable.

Author statement form

1. Importance: The author statement form is an essential legal document that specifies the contributions of each author, discloses any potential conflicts of interest, and affirms the originality of the manuscript.

2. Components

  • Author Contributions
  • Conflicts of Interest
  • Ethical Approvals
  • Statement of Originality

3. Tips

  • This is a legally binding document; ensure all information is accurate and honest.
  • Complete and sign the form before submission.

Declaration of interests and source of funding statements

1. Importance: This declaration offers transparency regarding any external factors that could influence the research findings. It is an avenue to disclose funding sources, collaborations, or affiliations that could pose a conflict of interest.

2 Components

  • Funding Sources
  • External Collaborations
  • Affiliations that may cause a conflict of interest

3. Tips

  • Be exhaustive in this section; undisclosed conflicts can result in manuscript retraction.
  • Declarations should be made for each author.

By adhering to these guidelines for each mandatory component of your submission, you'll be setting your manuscript up for a smoother review process. These components aim to ensure the integrity, clarity, and completeness of your submission to IgMin Research – Biology, Medicine and Engineering | A Multidisciplinary Journal. The adherence to these elements emphasizes the commitment to high-quality scientific communication and ethical standards.

Remember that the use of Large Language Models, like ChatGPT, for crafting your manuscript is not advised as they do not satisfy the journal's criteria for authorship. The responsibility for manuscript preparation and submission lies with the human authors, who should ensure the accuracy, completeness, and ethical compliance of the manuscript.

Good luck with your manuscript submission! We look forward to your valuable contributions to scientific knowledge.

Large Language Models and Authorship

The increasing prevalence and sophistication of Large Language Models (LLMs) like GPT-4 have brought forth unique challenges and considerations in the scholarly publication arena. LLMs have been employed for a variety of tasks, from generating literature reviews to automating data analysis, thereby raising critical questions about their role in academic authorship. In light of this, it's crucial to clarify that, as of our last update, LLMs like ChatGPT do not satisfy the authorship criteria set forth by IgMin Research – Biology, Medicine and Engineering | A Multidisciplinary Journal. Below, we detail the nuances and reasons for this position, aiming to offer comprehensive guidelines for prospective authors.

Traditional criteria for academic authorship

Traditional criteria for academic authorship typically encompass substantial contributions to:

  1. Conceptualization: Formulating the research question or hypothesis.
  2. Methodology: Designing the experiment or methodology.
  3. Execution: Conducting the research, including data collection.
  4. Analysis: Analyzing the data.
  5. Writing: Drafting or revising the manuscript's intellectual content.
  6. Accountability: Taking responsibility for the work's integrity.

To qualify as an author, one generally has to fulfill these criteria to a meaningful extent, thereby ensuring that the published work is a direct result of human intellect, responsibility, and ethics.

Limitations of large language models in authorship

  1. Lack of conceptual understanding: LLMs can generate text based on patterns in the data they were trained on but do not possess the capability to understand or conceptualize research topics.
  2. Absence of accountability: LLMs cannot be held responsible for the accuracy or integrity of the work they contribute to, making their role in authorship ethically and practically untenable.
  3. Ethical considerations: There are ethical concerns surrounding the attribution of authorship to non-human entities, including questions of responsibility for misconduct or errors.
  4. Inability to contribute to methodology and analysis: While LLMs can help automate certain tasks, they cannot design an experiment or interpret the uniqueness or significance of research findings.

Ethical and practical implications

  1. Intellectual property concerns: LLMs are trained on vast datasets that often include copyrighted or proprietary information. Their usage for academic purposes could inadvertently lead to issues related to intellectual property rights.
  2. Academic integrity: Attributing a part of the work to LLMs could diminish the authenticity and reliability of the academic discourse, given that LLMs cannot guarantee the veracity or novelty of their outputs.
  3. Originality and plagiarism: LLMs can inadvertently produce text that closely resembles existing published works, thereby increasing the risk of plagiarism.

Use cases for large language models in academic research

It's worth noting that while LLMs do not meet the authorship criteria, they can still serve as valuable tools in the research process, provided their role is clearly disclosed. For example:

  1. Literature search: Assisting in the review of existing research.
  2. Data annotation: Assisting in annotating datasets.
  3. Drafting: Providing initial drafts or templates that are subsequently significantly revised and validated by human authors.

Concluding remarks

In conclusion, while LLMs can serve as supplementary tools in the academic research process, they do not fulfill the requisite criteria for authorship. Authors should exercise extreme caution in their use of such models and must explicitly disclose any such usage in their manuscript. Failure to adhere to these guidelines could result in manuscript rejection and potential academic repercussions. By clarifying these guidelines, we aim to uphold the rigorous academic and ethical standards that IgMin Research – Biology, Medicine and Engineering | A Multidisciplinary Journal is committed to maintaining.

We hope this detailed discourse provides clear guidance on the complex issue of authorship involving Large Language Models in scholarly publications. We encourage authors to stay updated on this topic as guidelines may evolve with advancements in the field of artificial intelligence and ethics.

Donald Rapp


Expanding upon the key elements of the "Short Communications" article type for IgMin Research – Biology, Medicine and Engineering, the following summarizes the exhaustive guidelines, procedures, and formats you should be well-versed in for successful submission and acceptance.

Standards: criteria

The article type "Short Communications" is composed of three sub-types: Preliminary Findings, Rapid Communications, and Brief Reports. Each has its own set of acceptance criteria. For instance, "Preliminary Findings" articles should present early results that are not yet fully analyzed but are significant enough to warrant quick publication. "Rapid Communications" should offer breakthroughs or new insights into an existing research area that require swift dissemination. "Brief Reports" are for concise yet complete studies that are less expansive in scope but offer valuable contributions to the field.

Drafting the document: preparing your manuscript

Your manuscript preparation should adhere strictly to the prescribed format and structure which includes the following elements:

1. Opening page: Title page: The title page should include the article title, author names, affiliations, and corresponding author details. The title should be specific, concise, and indicative of the study’s main focus.

2. Summary: Abstract:  The abstract should offer a succinct summary of the article’s purpose, methodology, key findings, and its significance. It is often the first part read by reviewers and readers alike; hence, it should be compelling.

3. Descriptive tags: Keywords: Keywords are essential for search engine optimization and should be carefully selected to reflect the main themes of your research.

4. Context: Background: This section provides the setting for your research, explaining why the work is important and citing relevant literature to establish its foundation.

5. Methodology: Methods: Here, you should explain the methods and procedures used in carrying out your research. The explanation should be detailed enough to allow another researcher to replicate your work.

6. Discoveries: Results: This is where you present your data and findings. Use figures, tables, and text to make your results comprehensible.

7. Analysis: Discussion: Discuss the implications of your results and how they relate to previous research. This is where you make sense of what you've discovered.

8. Final thoughts: Conclusions: Your conclusions should provide a summary of the main findings and their implications, indicating any future research directions.

9. Short forms: List of abbreviations: If your article uses abbreviations, list them in alphabetical order and provide their full forms.

Formal statements: Declarations

1. Moral clearance: Ethics approval and consent to participate: If your study involved human or animal subjects, you must provide information about the ethical standards you followed and the approvals you received.

2. Permission for release: Consent for publication: If your paper includes material like photographs or personal data, you need to obtain and provide consent for their publication.

3. Accessibility of data: Availability of data and materials: The data supporting your findings should be made available, provided it doesn’t compromise confidentiality.

4. Conflicting interests: Competing interests: Full disclosure of any competing interests ensures transparency.

5. Financial support: Funding: Any financial support received during the study should be declared.

6. Contributor roles: Authors' contributions: Each author’s contribution to the paper should be clarified.

7. Gratitude: Acknowledgments: Here, you can thank those who contributed to the study but did not meet authorship criteria.

8. Author details: Authors’ information (Optional): Additional details like academic qualifications can be included here.

Additional information

  1. Footnotes: Use footnotes sparingly and only for essential clarifications.
  2. References: Follow the NLM style for citations and references.
  3. Web links and URLs: Only include web links and URLs if they are active and direct the reader to legitimate academic resources.
  4. Example reference style: Provide examples of the citation style you prefer, according to NLM guidelines.

Supplementary material: Figures, tables, additional files

This section can house additional data, supplementary analysis, and other files that support your article but are not essential for the main text.

Submission process: Submit manuscript

Finally, remember the mandatory list of files needed for submission, which includes a cover letter, manuscript, figures, author statement form, and declarations regarding interests and funding.

Incorporating all these elements thoughtfully will not only improve the quality of your manuscript but also expedite the review and publication process. Your strict adherence to these guidelines is pivotal for your manuscript's success.