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Potentially Toxic Metals in Cucumber Cucumis sativus Collected from Peninsular Malaysia: A Human Health Risk Assessment
Chee Kong Yap, Rosimah Nulit, Aziran Yaacob, Zaieka Shamsudin, Meng Chuan Ong, Wan Mohd Syazwan, Hideo Okamura, Yoshifumi Horie, Chee Seng Leow, Ahmad Dwi Setyawan, Krishnan Kumar, Wan Hee Cheng and Kennedy Aaron Aguol

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We focus on fostering research partnerships that lead to faster, collective scientific advancements.

Engineering Group Review Article Article ID: igmin198

Smart Mobility and Sensor Based-BRT Crusade, the Challenge for Auto Mechanics and Technicians in Africa

Mechanical Engineering Energy SystemsAutomation and Control Systems DOI10.61927/igmin198 Affiliation


    Dukiya JJ. Department of Transport Management Technology, Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria, Email: [email protected]; [email protected]

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African countries with no globally recognized auto manufacturing factories are flooded with the most modern automobiles as soon as they are commercialized in the absence of commensurate skilled local auto mechanics across the continent. In the wake of the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) scheme in Abuja Nigeria, the first set of luxurious buses purchased ended up as junks within a short period of operation largely due to lack of technician competency. The continuous patronage of a few multinational workshop garages like Toyota, Honda, Kia Motors, etc is hindering the transport agencies from breaking even. This paper is therefore aimed at evaluating the state of bus auto-mechanics and technicians in Nigeria for sustainable hybrid buses for effective BRT in the country. Google search engine was used to source secondary data from dedicated transport and energy-related sites like National Research Council (NRC) Agora Verkehrswende and GIZ, Smart city study, USDoT, and Africa Transport Solution, for the current paradigm shift in automobile energy management. Participatory surveys were carried out in two major motor mechanic villages that house over two hundred (200) workshops. The study reveals that there is a yawning gap between the societal ideal auto-mechanic expectations and the operational woe realities. This work becomes very relevant in view of global urbanization and the crusade for Hybrid Bus Rapid Transit (HBRT) in urban mobility as a panacea to COP28 carbon emission reduction. It is recommended that policymakers in urban transportation at all levels should ensure the certification and re-training of the motor mechanics to be able to maintain those imported modern buses while investing in ITS-based road infrastructure for sustainable BRT in their country



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