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Discover the nexus of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Medicine in our Multidisciplinary Open Access Journal – a platform for breakthroughs and collaborative expertise, driving knowledge and innovation. | Important Update! Building on our inaugural year's success, adjustments to article processing charges will take effect in October. More details coming soon! | Discover the nexus of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Medicine in our Multidisciplinary Open Access Journal – a platform for breakthroughs and collaborative expertise, driving knowledge and innovation. | Important Update! Building on our inaugural year's success, adjustments to article processing charges will take effect in October. More details coming soon!

Developmental Biology at IgMin Research | Science Group

Our mission is to foster interdisciplinary dialogue and accelerate the advancement of knowledge across a wide spectrum of scientific domains.


Developmental Biology is a captivating field that delves into the intricate processes by which organisms grow and develop from a single cell into complex, multicellular organisms. This interdisciplinary discipline merges insights from genetics, cell biology, molecular biology, and physiology to understand the mechanisms underlying embryonic development, tissue differentiation, and organ formation.

Developmental biologists investigate topics such as morphogenesis, cell signaling, stem cell biology, and regeneration. By unraveling the genetic and molecular cues that govern development, they offer insights into birth defects, tissue repair, and potential applications in regenerative medicine. Developmental Biology plays a pivotal role in uncovering the mysteries of life's earliest stages and the incredible journey of growth.

  • Embryonic development
  • Tissue morphogenesis
  • Organogenesis
  • Cell fate determination
  • Stem cell differentiation
  • Regenerative biology
  • Evolutionary developmental biology (Evo-Devo)
  • Developmental genetics
  • Developmental signaling pathways
  • Cellular reprogramming
  • Developmental disorders and birth defects
  • Developmental neuroscience
  • Developmental immunology
  • Developmental ecology
  • Developmental biology and disease research
  • Developmental biology and tissue engineering
  • Developmental biology and personalized medicine
  • Developmental biology education and outreach
  • Advancements in developmental biology research
  • Developmental biology and evolutionary insights
  • Developmental biology and therapeutic applications
  • Developmental biology and bioinformatics
  • Developmental biology and biotechnology
  • Developmental biology and conservation
  • Developmental biology and public health

Science Group (1)

Review Article Article ID: igmin182

Open Access Policy refers to a set of principles and guidelines aimed at providing unrestricted access to scholarly research and literature. It promotes the free availability and unrestricted use of research outputs, enabling researchers, students, and the general public to access, read, download, and distribute scholarly articles without financial or legal barriers. In this response, I will provide you with an overview of the history and latest resolutions related to Open Access Policy.

The Expressivity Dimension of Speech is the basis of the Expression Dimension. Evidence from Behavioural and Neuroimaging Studies
by Isabelle Hesling

The modalities of communication are the sum of the expression dimension (linguistics) and the expressivity dimension (prosody), both being equally important in language communication. The expressivity dimension which comes first in the act of speech, is the basis on which phonemes, syllables, words, grammar, and morphosyntax, i.e., the expression dimension of speech is superimposed. We will review evidence (1) revealing the importance of prosody in language acquisition and (2) showing that prosody triggers the involvement of specific brain area...s dedicated to sentences and word-list processing. To support the first point, we will not only rely on experimental psychology studies conducted in newborns and young children but also on neuroimaging studies that have helped to validate these behavioral experiments. Then, neuroimaging data on adults will allow for the conclusion that the expressivity dimension of speech modulates both the right hemisphere prosodic areas and the left hemisphere network in charge of the expression dimension.

Linguistics Developmental BiologyCognitive Science