To work in collaboration with others for continuous improvement and to inculcate a genuine interest in the development of the institution. To work in a healthy, innovative and challenging environment extracting the best out of me, which is conducive to learn and growing at professional as well as personal levels thereby directing my future endeavors as an asset to the organization. To seek a challenging career as part of a creative team for innovating an idea, concept or strategy and contribute to technologically developing cutting-edge solutions.
Research Interest
Wireless communication, AI, IoT, Fuzzy Systems, Soft Computing.

Work Details
Assistant Professor
University Institute of Engineering and Technology
Electronics and Communication Engineering Department
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Research Articles
- DNA Genetics and UHPLC-Q-TOF-MS Analysis of Phytochemicals for Asparagus racemosus Roots
- The Influence of Dynamical Downscaling and Boundary Layer Selection on Egypt’s Potential Evapotranspiration using a Calibrated Version of the Hargreaves-samani Equation: RegCM4 Approach
- Investigation of Lateral Vibrations in Turbine-generator Unit 5 of the Inga 2 Hydroelectric Power Plant
- A Study to Determine the Reason for Lower Pregnancy Rates in Younger Women with Diminished Oocyte Reserve-less Chance of Implanting vs. Fetal Demise
- Development of a Mechanical Seal Closed Design Model
- Ammonia: A Trend of Dry Deposition in Vietnam