In 1997 he was enrolled on a full-time course “Metallurgy of ferrous metals” at Tomsk Polytechnic University affiliate in the town of Yurga. In 2003 Denis V. Valuev defended his graduation thesis with distinction. By the decision of State Attestation Commission from June 24, 2003 he was awarded the qualification “Engineer” majoring in “Metallurgy of ferrous metals”.
After graduation Denis V. Valuev entered a full-time postgraduate course “Metal science and thermal treatment of metals” at Tomsk Polytechnic University. Since September 1, 2003 he has been working at TPU affiliate in the town of Yurga. Being a faculty member of the Department of Ferrous Metals Metallurgy he has worked his way from assistant lecturer to associate professor and has 14 years of both lecturing and research experience. Since 2014 he also has been in the faculty of the Department of Basic Safety, Ecology and Physical Training as a part-time associate professor.
In December 2008 he defended his PhD thesis in Engineering, majoring in Metal science (mechanical engineering). The subject of his research work was as follows “Metal analysis of technological reasons for structure and phase inhomogeneity of forged low-carbon steel half products and its elimination measures”.
In June 18, 2012 he was given an academic title of associate professor of the Department of Ferrous Metals Metallurgy, DZ №045998. In 2008 he succeeded in his work and won the 9th Russian Competition “Engineer of the year – 2008” according to “Engineering art of the youth” in the category “Ferrous Metallurgy”.
During his scientific activity he took part in the international forum, scientific and scientific-practical conferences. I am the author and co-author of 165 publications; 55 articles included in the list of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation and 45 articles indexed in the abstract databases SCOPUS and Web of Science, as well as 5 monographs and 4 patents. 12 textbooks have been published on methodological activities, of which 6 textbooks with the stamps of the educational and methodological association for education in the field of metallurgy as textbooks for students of higher educational institutions studying in the specialty Metallurgy of ferrous metals.
Research Interest
The sphere of his research interests includes processing of metal allows, material science and thermal treatment of steel and alloys, technology of waste recovering and recycling.

Work Details
Associate Professor
Tomsk Polytechnic University
Yurga Technological Institute
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