
Tudor Barbu Editor at IgMin Research

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Dr.  habil. Tudor Barbu is Senior Researcher I at the Institute of Computer Science of the Romanian Academy, member of its leading Scientific Council and coordinator of Image and Video Processing compartment. He has a PhD degree in Computer Science and is Phd Coordinator and member of the leading Council of the Mathematical Sciences Doctoral School of SCOSAAR.

He published 4 books, 11 book chapters, 180 articles in recognized international journals and volumes of international conferences, more than 40 research reports, 35 works at national conferences and 22 plenary speeches. His scientific publications have 1520 citations, according to Google-Academic and his H-index = 23.

He coordinated 4 contract-based projects as director and several research directions in other 9 projects. Dr. habil. Tudor Barbu received 20 awards for his research results. He is organizer or member of organizing committees for 40 conferences and member of the editorial boards of 11 international journals.

Reasearch Interest

Image and Video Processing and Analysis, Pattern Recognition and Machine / Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence,  Biometrics, Computer Vision, Graph Theory, Numerical Analysis.