I am Dr, Hasnain Raza from Pakistan, I have completed my master’s degrees from Pakistan different universities. After completed my Pakistani degrees then I applied China for Ph.D. and got admission in Yangzhou university.
During my PH. D I have read all course and published some paper in international and national journals. Some articles are under process. After completed my Ph.D. I applied for postdoctoral in China another two university in China. Almost all my process is completed next month I will join that university.
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Work Details
Yangzhou University
College of Social Science
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Research Articles
- Cyber Threat Analysis (CTA) in Current Conflicts
- A Comprehensive Methodology for Assessing the Business Reputation of Industrial and Production Personnel
- Investigation of Lateral Vibrations in Turbine-generator Unit 5 of the Inga 2 Hydroelectric Power Plant
- Lifestyle and Well-being among Portuguese Firefighters
- Technical & Economic Feasibility Study of Proposed Pump Storage Power Plants at Kuda Oya, Mul Oya, Gurugal Oya, and Dambagasthalawa
- Utilising Phytoremediation in Green Technologies: Exploring Natural Means of Environmental Clean-up