Natalia Kurhaluk works as Professor at the Department of Biology, Institute of Biology at the Pomeranian University in Slupsk (Poland). The ongoing research work of Prof. Natalia Kurhaluk are concerned with the analysis of oxidative stress intensification in the cell under stress conditions caused by high concentrations of catecholamines (adrenaline), the role of antioxidant enzymes and lipoperoxidation processes, the correction of mitochondrial respiration processes to extreme environmental factors, carcinogenesis and the effects of melatonin and metformin, acute alcohol intoxication and lysosomal enzymes, conditions of hypoxia of various degrees (hypoxia), the role of nitric oxide, and the resistance of organisms under stress conditions and to acute hypoxia. Prof. Natalia Kurhaluk is expanding her knowledge of the different resistance of organisms under stress conditions in relation to environmental conditions in the field of ecophysiology (wild birds, laboratory rodents, wild and farmed fish, humans).
Research Interest
Biochemistry, Physiology of Man and Animals, Medicine, Pathophysiology, Ecophysiology

Work Details
Pomeranian University in Słupsk
Department Animal Physiology
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