
Paulo João Figueiredo Cabral Teles Editor at IgMin Research

Our mission is to foster interdisciplinary dialogue and accelerate the advancement of knowledge across a wide spectrum of scientific domains.


Born in Porto, Portugal, in 1963, city where currently lives. Bachelor’s degree in Economics, University of Porto, 1986; Master’s degree in Mathematical Methods in Economics and Business, University of Lisbon, 1996; Ph.D. in Statistics, Temple University, 1999. Profession: School of Economics, University of Porto – Teaching Assistant in 1986-1999 and Assistant Professor since 1999. Portuguese National Statistical Institute – Statistician with the coordination of the External Trade statistics in the Northern Regional Office in 1989-1990; Northern Regional Director in 2001-2004; Statistical consultant in 2005- 2010. Association membership: American Statistical Association and Portuguese Statistical Society. Supervision of 19 master dissertations in the areas of Economics, Business, Econometrics and Statistics. Talks presented in many conferences.

Reasearch Interest

Biostatistics, Econometrics, Statistics, Time Series Analysis.