Ana Estela Ledesma studied chemistry in National University of Santiago del Estero and completed her PhD at the National University of Tucuman, in Tucuman, Argentina on spectroscopy and theoretical calculation studies. After postdoctoral training at the Freie Univesitat Berlin, in Berlin, Germany on time resolved FTIR applied to photo-oxidation of proteins, she has focused their investigation, molecular docking, DFT calculation and vibrational spectroscopy of structural studies of protein-ligand interactions for bio-nanoparticles and enzymatic systems. At the moment she is Associate professor and Director of many research projects and CONICET researcher of National University of Santiago del Estero.
Research Interest
UV-visible and vibrational spectroscopies, theoretical calculation, interaction protein-ligand, molecular docking

Work Details
Annex National University of Santiago del Estero
Academic Department of Chemistry
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